Ticket Information

Details for Woodmere Park Community Garage Sale

Registration between 10/01 and 01/03

Please bring your RecTrac/WebTrac Receipt the day of the garage sale. You will be asked to present the receipt for verification of your space.

Date: Saturday January 11, 2025

Location: Woodmere Park – 3951 Woodmere Park Boulevard, Venice, FL 34293

Sale Hours: 8:00AM – 2:00PM

Set-Up Time: 7:00AM – 8:00AM

Set-Up Procedures: Indoor and outdoor vendors may begin setting up their sale space(s) starting at 7:00AM. THE GYM WILL NOT BE UNLOCKED UNTIL 7:00AM ON THE DAY OF THE SALE. Early set-up for indoor spaces will take place on the day before the sale, Friday January 10, 2025, 12:00PM – 5:00PM. If outdoor vendors need to use the car loop to set up their space(s) their vehicle(s) need to be out of the car loop no later than 7:45AM. Each outdoor space will be marked with the last name of the vendor and the space number and sectioned with chalk the day before the event. If it rains and the chalk is washed away, please stay within 10ft of your name/vendor space marking.

Break-Down Time: 2:00PM – 3:00PM

Break-Down Procedures: At 2:00PM the event is officially over, and vendors may begin packing up their merchandise. Vendor’s vehicles may not enter the car loop until 2:15PM, allowing time for outdoor vendors in the car loop to vacate their space. ALL INDOOR AND OUTDOOR VENDORS MUST BE CLEANED NO LATER THAN 3:00PM.

Vendors are required to keep all products, displays, and advertising within allotted space.

It is the responsibility of the vendor to maintain all transactions for their own items.

Outdoor vendors are required to bring their own tables and/or furniture.

Electricity is not available, generators and loud music are forbidden, and only food trucks are authorized to sell food.

No food, animals, weapons, or illegal items may be sold.

We reserve the right to make changes to the floor plan and move vendors if needed at any time to maximize space, comfort, and safety.